Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Crane Wife


I loved the last book I read by Patrick Ness 'A Monster Calls', and was eagerly anticipating this book as my first read of 2015. Unfortunately I didn't feel the same love for this story. 

The Crane Wife features loneliness and sorrow, new beginnings in love and friendship.
George is a nice guy, possibly too nice, predictable and easy to be taken for granted. By every woman in his life in fact. Then he met Kumiko. 

Throughout the novel there are chunks of another story interwoven of the Mountain and the Lady, a fairytale type story based on Japanese Folklore.

I enjoyed this book overall, I think I am just used to reading more YA books recently and was thrown a little with the style of this book. 


This is the first book I read on my brand new NOOK e-reader, which I received as a Christmas gift.
I'm so happy to have an e-reader, although I miss the colourful covers I never really re-read books so having all the paper back copies on my shelves seemed a bit of a waste. I love the fact that I can carry around loads of books with me and if I don't get on with a book I can interchange it so easily. 
I love the fact that I can shop directly from the e-reader, so much more convenient for me.
I've also been loving the cover/case my mum and I made together, it's made from the cover of an old upholstery book, felt, wadding, bookcase designed fabric for decoration and elastic tabs.

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