Tuesday, March 10, 2015

BOOK: Scarlet - The Lunar Chronicles - Book 2

Book 2


Read on my NOOK e-reader

The second book in the Lunar Chronicles series of fairy tale retelling.
This book features the familiar tale of Little Red Riding Hood or Scarlet as known here.

Throughout this book you catch up with Cinder from book one and follow along where her story left off last time. You are also introduced to Scarlet and Wolf. Avoiding any details for spoilers, I can't really mention anything about the story. However the characters, I still love Cinder and her snippets were the best parts within this book. Whilst I enjoyed the interaction between Scarlet and Wolf themselves I wasn't that interested in what was happening to them, or really cared about the characters. - Sorry!
By far, one of the greatest parts of this book was the new character Captain Thorne, he really stole the show, he was funny, and the way he was written really explored his character and expressions.

Captain Thorne - You are making me pick up Cress next.
The third book in the Lunar Chronicles series.

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